
Standards for Products

ANSI Standards
CISPR Standards
EN Standards
GB/T Standards
GJB Standards
IEC Standards
ISO Standards
ITU-TK Standards
Other standards
QC Standards
SJT Standards
TY-T Standards
UL Standards
YD-T Standards

Standards for Products

GJB Standards

GJB 181A-2003

Products as per Basic standards

Programmable DC Power Supply PDG 50C50S

Description:PDG 50C50S programmable DC power supply is designed according to GJB181A-2003, GJB181B-2012, HB 20326.8-2016 standards 
Model:PDG 50C50S 
For more details

Vehicle-Mounted Power Failure Simulator PFS 181

Description:Vehicle-mounted power failure simulator PFS 181 is specially designed generator for DC voltage dips immunity tests, capable of simulating conditions of voltage dips 
Model:PFS 181 
For more details