GB/T 17626.5
Products as per Basic standards
Surge Coupling/decoupling Networks for Unshielded Unsymmetrical Interconnection Lines CDN 405AF8-C
- Description:The CDN 405AF8-C is designed to conduct surge test on unshielded unsymmetrical interconnection lines as per figure 9 specified in IEC/EN 61000-4-5:2017.
- Model:CDN 405AF8-C
- For more details
HV High-Power CDN for EFT/Burst and Surge Immunity Tests SEPN 100100T10
- Description:The SEPN 100100T10 three-phase automatic coupling/decoupling network for EFT/Burst and surge immunity tests is designed according to test requirements of IEC/EN 61000-4-4 and IEC/EN 61000-4-5
- Model:SEPN 100100T10
- For more details