Company News/NEWS
Celebrating Spring Festival & 15th Anniversary
Author:  Date:2020-01-15  Browse :485times  Source:
       To celebrate the forthcoming Spring Festival and its 15th anniversary, the company organized a day of team building activities and an evening gala on Jan 12, 2020.

“Build the dreams together, win the future with ingenuity” ? the team building slogan.

African drum beating.
       The staff were divided into 5 groups as 5 tribes, each had its chief selected and all members dressed up, and the tribes were set to compete with each other with drum beating momentum and impromptu dances. 
       By learning of African drums and the culture behind it, the importance of individual’s effort and the strength of solidarity were expressed in the form of bright rhythms and lively movements.

Red vs Black.
       The staff were divided into pairs, and the two teams in each pair compete with each other by showing red or black after internal discussion and voting. Red-red both wins, black-black both loses, red-black red wins.
       It would be easy not to let the other team win by playing red continuously, which would lead to great loss of both sides. On the contrary, if the two teams cooperate, trust each other and both play black, both teams score and win more.
       From the game the staff got a better understanding of the company’s core values “integrity and win-win”. We believe that, either for an individual, an enterprise or a nation, integrity must be preserved, and short-term shall give way to long-term community shared interests.

       Speeches were given by top management, and thanks were given to every hardworking staff. During the evening gala, when fancy dinner was served, a series of melodious songs were presented, fun mini games were played, and prizes were given to lucky-draw winners. 

       It is a memorable evening, toasting with colleagues coming from distant branch offices, filled with laughter and gratification, and a good way to celebrate the company’s 15 years’ hardworking and breakthroughs. We’re also on the road, for better products and better services, for better life and a better world. 

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