Company News/NEWS
Singapur - Jiangsu Współpracowane forum wysokiego szczebla Techniczne Konferencja dokująca odbędzie się w Hotelu Jinling
Author:  Date:2010-08-26  Browse :1771times  Source:

The joint conference called “Innovative advanced forum bySingaporeandJiangsu,China” is held in Nanjing Jinling Hotel on June 2010 to promote the summarization of work plan of 2010 and push the cooperation betweenSingaporeandJiangsu,Chinato another level.

Zhang Weiguo, Vice governor of Jiangsu province and Li Yixian, Minster of Singapore trade ministry, HR ministry and finance ministry attended the conference. Attendees also include government’s officials, representatives from colleges and universities, scientific research institution, high-tech enterprises and so on.

Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co., Ltd and Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity signed an agreement on “Research on Electromagnetic Compliance of Renewable Energy Grid Generation System”. More than ten corporations had signed cooperation projects in this conference.

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