Company News/NEWS
China introduces GB/T 28046.1/2/3/4-2011 in Oct.2011
Author:3ctest  Date:2013-01-26  Browse :812times  Source:

Many research centers and corporations??including Suzhou 3ctest Electronic Co., Ltd work together to draft the following standards:

1. GB/T 28046.1-2011 Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment   Part 1: general

2. GB/T 28046.2-2011 Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment   Part 2: electrical loads

3. GB/T 28046.3-2011 Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment   Part 3: mechanical loads

4. GB/T 28046.4-2011 Road vehicles - Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment   Part 4: climatic loads

These standards are released on 31st, Oct. 2011 and become mandatory in Feb. 2012.

AVG 16750 from 3ctest fully meets the requirement of part 2: electrical loads. For more technical support, please call us: 4006-051-277 or visit our website:

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