What we collect
In general, you can visit this site without telling us who you are
or revealing any personal information about yourself. We track the Internet
address of the domains from which people visit us and analyze this data for trends
and statistics, but the individual user remains anonymous. Information about
email recipients is tracked for statistical purposes. The information we
collect and analyze is used solely to improve our service to you.
There are times when we may collect personal information from you.
It is our intent to inform you before we do that and to tell you what we intend
to do with the information. You will have the option not to provide the
information. If you choose not to provide the information we request, you can
still visit most of the Site, but you may be unable to access certain options,
offers, and services and you will be unable to receive email.
by our employees
We limit our employees’ access to your personally identifiable
information to the minimum amount reasonably required to provide prompt, high
3ctest reserves the right to change this privacy policy, and will
post any revisions on this web site. Your continued use of this web site and
receipt of 3ctest emails will be subject to the then-current privacy policy.